Hacktoberfest is going to end tomorrow. This post provides a brief of my hacktoberfest. Check out my post about hacktoberfest and my journey in open source here.


Oh-My-Zsh !

Last year, I contributed to AlgoWiki during hacktoberfest. This year, a new destination, a new challenge and a new organization to contribute to. In comes Oh-my-zsh !!!

I have used bash on windows for quite sometime now. Agreed, not equivalent to any Linux operating system but it keeps up all my needs for ubuntu satisfied ( It has quite a wide support and functionality now, do check it out ! ).

Rather than using the usual bash shell, I am using Z shell. Think of Z shell as the supercharged bash shell. On all this, there’s a sweet topping of oh-my-zsh framework managing the entire zsh. Oh-my-zsh provides superpowers to your bash shell - autocompletion, syntax-highlighting, command correction, auto-suggestions, etc. You think of any thing and most probably zsh has it. Check out the list of plugins for zsh.

Once october started, I looked for issues labelled as good-first-issue and hacktoberfest. Going through several repositories, I came across oh-my-zsh. It has issues with the desired labels. Why not contribute to a framework, I am using daily.

Over the month, I sent in 5 - 6 PRs to oh-my-zsh. I intend to make a simple plugin for some package or functionality that other users have wanted, may be in coming months and some more PRs along with that.

Hacktoberfest madness as a Collaborator ?

Last year, I just participated only as a participant. This year, along with contribution, I had to juggle with the role of collaborator also. I had launched an open source project that I started working on sometime back. Do check it at Pypackages.

Working with people, suggesting, commenting, taking feedback and seeing how everyone is contributing to OS, keeps me going. The entire process of open source is adding something useful to the community. In this process, sometimes you make mistakes, sometimes you get stuck and the community is there to correct you, guide you through the problem and to help you out in any way possible. That’s the beauty of open source ❤️!

Reviewing PRs is fun. This hacktoberfest, many contributed to AlgoWiki and Pypackages. I had to almost check some PRs on a daily basis. They were coming in faster than I was reviewing them.

Big thank you to everyone who contributed to AlgoWiki and Pypackages ! To open source in general. Keep up the good work ! 🙌

Many of my friends took the Hacktoberfest challenge this year. It was really fun to work with each other. I look forward to doing this next year, again !

Overall, Hacktoberfest 2018 has been awesome.

About two days ago, I, along with my friends, got mail from DigitalOcean about the hacktoberfest T-shirt. Once we get it, we are going to flaunt it and take a photograph together. I’ll update the post later with the pic. Stay tuned !